Cannabis - Hemp Hemp Chanvre Canamo


Author: Mathias Broeckers Cannabis hemp hemp hemp Canamo hemp (Cannabis sativa) is one of the oldest cultivated plants of mankind. Wherever human settlements have been found in the last 10,000 years, there are also traces of the use of hemp: fibers for textiles, ropes and paper, seeds as food and oil suppliers, flowers as medicine and luxury goods. No other plant can be used so intensively - hemp is therefore rightly called the “universal raw material of our planet”. This large-format and generously designed book guides you through the history, present and future of this extraordinary facility in over 300 first-class color images and informative, concise texts. It shows their uses and uses, the cycle of their growth in the fields, the people and the machines necessary for the transformation. And it gives an insight into the variety of possible uses that is unparalleled in cultivated plants. Seed content - the most valuable of all types of cereals Sowing and growth - faster than any weed Flowering and harvesting - queen of useful plants Hemp work - from field plant to household product Fibers - the most tear-resistant natural fiber in the world Food - archaic number 1 in medicine Functional food - from the shamanic plant to the modern medicinal herb Up in Smoke - a short history of the hemp frenzy the killer grass - the age of prohibition organic raw material of the future - coffee shops and hemp body shops from A to Z - the most important in brief Year of publication: 2002 223 pages Hardcover, dust jacket ISBN: 3-85502-872-9 NOTE: This book is in no way intended to encourage or promote the illegal use / use of cannabis. In Switzerland, as in most other countries, the cultivation of cannabis is illegal. The publisher therefore recommends reading this book for personal guidance only.
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