Marijuana: indoor growing


Essential guide to getting started growing marijuana indoors. Without going into technical details, it describes in a visual, practical and easy-to-understand way everything that has to do with growing marijuana for therapeutic purposes, from planting to the collection and extraction of the active ingredients. All of this should be remembered in a very visual and easy to understand format. INDEX: 1.-Cannabis, some basic observations. General description. The propagation of cannabis. Seedless: The photoperiod. The basic needs of a cannabis plant. The life cycle of the marijuana plant. 2.- Indoor cultivation. How do you create the ideal conditions for cannabis to develop? Before assembling an indoor grow. Create a suitable environment for growing marijuana (lights, cuttings, substrates) 3.- The cultivation of cannabis described step by step: seeds, cuttings, germination, vegetative, flowering, maturation, harvest, manicure, storage. Learn more: Indoor cultivation (Gl) Indoor marijuana cultivation Dj pepo and drying. Genetics: Unconscious Selection